Where to Go in 2016 | Southeast Asia

Where to Go in 2016 | Southeast Asia

Where,to Go,in,2016,|,Southeast,Asia

Everyone wonders where to go if they are traveling for the first time. Or traveling by themselves. Most people consider Europe right away. Not sure why. Sorry my European friends. Super expensive. Maybe they think it is 'easy' and familiar because it's Europe. I say get on the next long haul flight and head to Southeast Asia. The region consists of Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines, Laos, Singapore and more. Why go there? I'll tell you! 

1. Cheap Prices: 

this is the biggest reason to head there. I talked extensively about my $7US HOTEL room in Cambodia (yes I contradicted myself from above, but $7 is $7). Prices even cheaper than $7 for rooms can be had. Cheap food does not necessarily mean bad-tasting food. Thailand has such great, tasty eats. Street food is amazing all through the region. But always look for LOCALS on line for street vendors and in crowded restaurants. These are the places you want to eat. There is a reason there is a line...and even more so if there is NO line.

2. Safety: 

especially for solo female travelers, I think SE Asia may be one of the best places on Earth to get your feet wet. In fact, from what I saw, I would say females may have more to contend with from OTHER travelers than locals in Southeast Asia. Ladies please chime in here.

3. Weather: 

being near the equator means tropical weather year-round. Of course, this means you might have to contend with a typhoon/cyclone or hair frizzing and sweat-inducing humidity. Some of you may like the cold weather. Give me hot temperatures anyday -- especially if I have to walk around. The weather is also conducive to outdoor activities -- SCUBA diving in the Philippines, playing with elephants in Thailand, motorcyles and motobikes all over (make sure your travel insurance is up to date). Be forewarned however, the poverty you'll see in Southeast Asia can be intense if you've never been in that type of environment. Cambodia struck me in particular. People tend to be apprehensive, but generally come out for the better after leaving and then being able to reflect on what they experienced. Don't be afraid!
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