Know a travel secret about Armenia


The Geghard Monastery 

Most people would never think of going to Armenia for tourism. Most people wouldn't even be able to place it on a map! And many others have never even heard of that country. But if you enjoy authentic old culture, diverse beautiful landscapes, friendly people away from tourists and visiting old worship places (Armenia has some of the most oldest churches in the world, as it is the first country that became Christian in 301 AD), Armenia is the place to visit! One of the monasteries that I particularly enjoyed is the "Geghard" Monastery. Geghard in Armenian means "spear," and it is said that the spear used to wound Christ on the cross was brought and kept there among other relics. The complex was founded in the 4th Century and is partially carved in a mountain, surrounded all around by cliffs. Many prayer chambers have been carved on the cliffs and used by monks as a retreat. It is interesting to notice the contrast between the finely detailed facades of the outside chapel and the rough cave-like interiors carved inside the rock. If you truly want to experience a magical moment, wait for a choir of young teenagers to sing inside the chapel: The acoustics are impressive and the echo inside is unbelievable (and lasts for a veeeery long time!). There are also many beautiful "khatchkars" all around (crosses carved on a rock in traditional Armenian style).
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