how to find cheap accommodation

how to find cheap accommodation

One of the biggest enticements for people when they begin to look at gap years of long-term location independent travel is the famed "luxury resort for the price of a dorm", and whilst those options certainly do exist, as more people are finding the freedom to travel, the more the price of these locations is going up. Sure, they're still to be found, but whilst the luxury may be nice, there's always a cheaper option.

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One large bonus of travelling in cheaper countries is that on occasion you can find apartments to rent for much less than the price paying when you used to have a home. 
There have been times during our travels where we've been renting somewhere bigger than our last apartment but for much, much less. And for some travelers renting apartments in cities like Chiang Mai in Thailand have become long-term engagements that have led to year long leases. On occasion they may even find somewhere all-inclusive of bills for two thirds of the rent alone from their home pre-travel. Renting has become such a key point for so many digital nomads and the freelancing work they do that there's now a fun website called Nomadlist.io which compares not just the local cost of living prices, but also the typical weather and even the strength of the local internet connect!

Most of our recent success with our travel budget has come from this amazing convenience. Whilst home and pet owners have been taking their holidays we've both had the chance to slow our travel down and enjoy the pleasures that come with having a home. Not only that, the weeks and months we've spent housesitting have also given us a better insight into how local people in the area live because we've had longer to learn the local customs and traditions. Plus, shopping at the cheaper places that are more out of the
way from the typical tourists route from attraction to attraction really helps too.


Another bonus is that this is usual a free exchange between a homeowner and a sitter, built on understanding and respect for staying in someone elses home. It enables the owner to rest easy whilst at the beach, safe in the knowledge that someone is watching over everything. For the price of a membership to one of the several great housesitting and petsitting websites that are now available - we use TrustedHousesitters -
you can have anywhere from a long weekend to six months in a destination for the price of one night in a hotel.


Whilst not everyone does have family in another country or on an entirely different continent, for those that do it's a great budget accommodation alternative. No matter if it's a close or distant relation, the offer to come and stay whilst you're travelling is almost always there (just as long as you mention you're
passing through). Long lost relations or great-aunts who relocated their lives many years ago are almost always happy to take you in, so that you can share stories of family events that they've missed or births and
marriages they weren't able to make. It's really something special, and certainly worth investigating. Friends and friends-of-friends have come to our rescue over the years too. Sometimes it's a request by an old friend to divert and come see them (which we're obviously happy to do), other times it's a friend-of-a-friend coming to our aid because they noticed our plea for a couch to surf on via Facebook. One such occasion our friend-of-a-friend found the time to walk the city with us and showed us a world we'd never have seen if we'd stayed
in regular accommodation.

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