Cheap Places to Live Sucre, Boliva

Cheap Places to Live Sucre, Boliva

Great for a visit or a low-cost, long-term stay... Sucre, Bolivia may be the only capital city in South America that fits this profile. It may also be one of the few larger cities where you can not only live off of $650 USD per month but have a little left over to take trips to other areas of the country.
The city is compact with plenty of traffic congestion (both pedestrian and auto) yet full of green spaces as well. The main square in Sucre is Plaza 25 de Mayo but if you wander off four to five blocks in any direction you are most likely going to come across another flower-filled oasis.
Other than tourists highlights, long-term visitors will have an array of classes at their disposal: learning Spanish at a language school; taking drawing or painting lessons at the Casa de la Cultura and cultural events (film and music festivals). Posters of upcoming events are plastered on windows and doors of cafes and restaurants throughout the city.
Huge farmer's markets are a main draw for visitors to Sucre, and a great place for low-cost shopping.

Things You Will Love Living in Sucre

  •  Availability of low-cost temporary or long-term rentals in town center, within walking distance of all amenities.
  •  Grocery shopping. In addition to gigantic Mercado Central, there is Pompeya with a large selection of
  • imported and gourmet foods. Craving stir-fry? Buy a jar of garlic black bean sauce at Pompeya. Need some snacks? How about flavored gourmet popcorn?
  •  Steady flow of cultural events in addition to monthly offerings for those with an artistic bent at lovely Casa de la Cultura.

Things You May Not Like Living in Sucre

  • Exhaust fumes. Everyone in Sucre seems to own a car and drive it 24/7. Black plumes of smoke passing from exhaust pipe to your nostrils is all too common when walking in Sucre.
  • Internet service can be spotty, making working online (and SKYPE calls) difficult. Best -and often only place in town - to make a SKYPE call is the Internet cafe across from Plazuela Santa Cruz at Mercado Central on Ravelo street. If you buy service to your new apartment or rental house, you should have no difficulties.

Markets in sucre

are a highlight of any visit. This is a shot of the main farmer's market in town, a three-storied extravaganza containing about every food item you would want, all with their own sections (a fresh bread section, dried spices section, meat section, line of shops selling chicken side by side, etc.) and three main food courts plus a fresh juice stand section. Overwhelmingly fun to visit.
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