Seven Reasons You Should Pack Your Bags Right Away and Go Traveling

It is often said that traveling is for losers or for those who are basically unemployed. But what has changed now is the aspect that people are leaving their high paying professions to pursue traveling. More than a luxury, traveling has become an inseparable part of our lives. It not only helps in refreshing our soul but also leaves a lifetime impression on us. Even though sitting in a box can bring you truckloads of money, but what makes you really happy is going to new places, getting close to the nature and embracing different cultures. People have accepted that money no longer give them true happiness and that it's what give them satisfaction becomes more important.
Here are the seven reasons you should pack your bags right away and go traveling right away:
1. Peace of mind: Imagine sitting in a room and getting stressed over things that your boss has told you to do. And now imagine sitting in a lush green jungle appreciating the peace and forgetting everything related to work. The second scenario will anytime give you more happiness than boss shouting on you. Getting close to nature not only brings you closer to yourself but help you realize the importance every little thing has in our life.
2. Scientifically proven: Scientists have proved that traveling is much more satisfying than earning money. After earning a specific amount of money that is necessary to pay rents and bills, it's not the amount of money but how happy you are that really matters. It has been proved ample times that people who travel more are happier than people who earn more.
3. You want to see new faces: For how many days can you see same faces again and again. After meeting same set of people day after day weeks after weeks, it's only travel that can help us witness something new. Meeting new people, making friends and exchanging stories at different junctures can not only help you become more expressive but can help you rediscover your true self. At the end of the journey you will be surprised to know how drastically you have changed in a positive way.
4. It's too boring to spend 6 days at work: Can you imagine how dull it can be to spend 6 days a week at office working from 9 AM to 6 PM. Completing task after tasks, assignments, presentations and projects leave you trapped inside a little bubble which makes it even difficult to break. Never forget what you really want to do and never compromise your happiness with a profession that no longer appeals to you. Moreover, your boss might also take benefits of your hard work and traveling with his wife and kids.
5. You want to experience things first hand: Your friend just returned from a vacation and he is telling you how adventurous it was with all the fun he had. Do you want to listen to him or make experience them on your own? When you travel you not only gain new experiences but help you become an expert storyteller whom everybody is envious of. Imagine sleeping beneath sky full of stars or on a railway platform, you can only experience these things if you travel.
6. Different cuisines: Are you a foodie? Are you bounded by your work hours? It's said that in India culture and style of cooking changes after every 4 kilometers. With 29 states and 6 union territories, imagine the different types of dishes you will experience and tickle your taste buds with. From Rogan Josh in Kashmir to Parotta in Kerala you will taste so many different types of dishes here that will make you fall in love with food all over again.
7. Make Memories: From running on the beach barefoot with your girlfriend or eating from a shady roadside vendor when you are traveling alone. You will return to home with so many memories that you will make you laugh, cry or angry over things you did and things you missed. These are the memories that will stay with you for life and will calm you down when you are depressed or angry with yourself.
So go out and make use of every little bit of time available, as it can never return again and will make you proud of the things that you have accomplished while traveling.
However travelling alone is not all that fun. It can leave you exhausted after a while and make you search for the friends.
Make your life exciting, go out on weekends, if you don't love your job say it goodbye. There's so much more to life than stupid 9 to 5 jobs. People have conquered the world before you, think of giving them a run for their money, and make your own memories. Life is too small to give others a chance to force you into doing things that they want. So read my blogs ask whatever you want.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9062725
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